
  • Full control of all SIPP2000USB Generators
  • Control and synchronize up to two ADL DC Power Supplies
  • Advanced FPPG (Free Pulse Pattern Generator) with up to four individual Trigger-Channels
  • Control of advanced Arc Management
  • Control of security functions
  • Process parameter recording using NI-TDMS files
  • Remote control features making SIPP2000USB Generators available for all major industrial networks

Free pulse pattern generator (FPPG)

The pulse generation page enables the user to generate complex pulse shapes and pulse trains for all physical channels as well as for trigger outputs of the generator. In total four Trigger Signals can be generated. For single-channel generators CHA is linked to the power electronic (physical channel) and Trigger Output CHA. For Dual Channel CHA and CHB are linked to the power electronic (physical channel) and Trigger Outputs CHA/CHB. The remaining channels are respectively linked to the trigger outputs.

  • synchronization of all channels
  • phase shifting of signals in relation to CHA
  • automatic Mid-Frequency (MF) generation for super imposition processes
  • pulse trains
  • generating of Bipolar and Unipolar Signals as well as DC
  • save & load of pulse patterns by software
  • loading of pulse patterns by remote control over ID call

Arc Control

Arc Control enables the user full control about every Arc Handling feature of SIPP2000 units.

  • setting of Arc-recognition threshold values channel specific
  • ARC-Delay defines the shut down time in case of an Arc in µs
  • automatic delay based on pulse pattern
  • channel specific arc counting feature


The record function enables the user to trace DC set and actual values as well as all arcing parameters. All values will be saved with timestamp into a National Instruments TDMS (Test Data Exchange Stream) file.

Remote control features

The SIPP2000 generator can be connected to any major fieldbus or industrial Ethernet network with the Anybus Communicator® device. This device converts between the serial communication of SIPP2000 units and the industrial network of the user.

Arc Control enables the user full control about every Arc Handling feature of SIPP2000 units.

  • control of DC units
  • arc management
  • switch between master/slave (externally Triggered)
  • load pre-saved pulse patterns
  • read status values of the SIPP2000 unit
  • enable / disable generator outputs (On/OFF)